Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Unfortunate Snake

Last night I dreamed that I was with a group of people, but we were split up into two smaller groups. I was with only one other person--a woman. The rest of our group was back at some building or house. This companion of mine and I were in a basement (which looked suspiciously like my grandma's basement). There was a snake there.

I don't think we were afraid of the snake. It was poisonous, though. It was very large, like a boa constrictor. It was yellowish white with black markings. Somehow, the snake got badly injured, or was close to death for some reason. I don't remember what happened to it, but it seemed to be my companion's fault that it happened. It was a bad thing, though. It was almost like we may have gone to that place specifically for the snake, and it wasn't supposed to die. My companion said we had to put it down. There was some sort of danger in not putting it down. I also felt bad for it, and didn't want it to suffer.

I had to go and get someone else from our group, while my companion stayed with the snake. One of the members of our group was Amanda Bynes (yeah, I don't know, either), and my companion wanted her to come and put the snake down, because she was trained in some way that would help (medical training, maybe? Or something like a coroner?). However, when I got back to the place the rest of the group was at, she (Amanda) was drunk, and couldn't come. So I had to choose someone else to bring back.

My high-school French teacher was there, and I tried to get her to come back with me, but she wouldn't. So I chose someone else. I can't remember who. Melissa McBride, who plays Carol on The Walking Dead, was also there--as Carol--and although I think she played a part, I don't think she came back with me. I'm not sure, though, as part of the dream was me talking to her and trying to explain myself, saying that I would have put the snake down myself, but I didn't know how. I think I was wishing I had asked her to come with me, but I think she may have come anyway.

That's all I remember. I would like to know what it meant. I found these two sites with explanations about snake dream meanings, but I'm still not sure what it could mean:



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